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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 651
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 654
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 648
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 655
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 644
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 646
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 653
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 643

How Dating Filipino Women Alters Your Life Forever

Filipino woman and white man Find out the perks in dating Filipino women.

There’s a saying that if something is too good to be true, then probably it’s not true at all. The Philippines, like any other country, has its fair share of good and bad, and this also applies to the dating scene.

There are good and bad Filipino women, but you don’t have to go through all the dating hassles as long as you know how to pick one from the good bunch. If you do, then you’re sure to have a dating experience that would significantly improve. Even better is you might just find the right woman sooner rather than later.

Dating well-educated and beautiful Filipino women may change your standards for a long-term partner, so in a way, it changes your life and perspective. Setting aside the stereotypes and finally finding the right Filipino woman to fall in love can help you change your mind.

While each Filipina is different from the other, your Filipina date may have likely been influenced by the country’s culture. Some traits are broadly Asian, but there are also some that are inherently Filipino. Like having two sides of a coin, your relationship with a Filipino woman is bound to have the beautiful, ugly, and in-between. But for the most part, when you date one of these women, you’ll find yourself encountering a few common Filipino women characteristics, such as the following:


Just so you know, your Filipina lover may not roll with the Western way of dating, which is to love ‘em and leave ‘em. One evidence of that is there is no divorce law in the Philippines.

But even when you aren’t ready for marriage yet, even as early as getting to know each other through dating apps, you’ll notice that she won’t flake on you at all despite any misunderstanding or misgivings.

For these women, relationships are supposed to be mended—not disposed of. If anything, she’ll find a way to fight for the relationship. This is especially true for Filipinas who grew up deeply instilled with Roman Catholic values, which teach the sanctity and power of relationships and marriage.

Faithfulness and loyalty

These are traits commonly attributed to Asian women, although not all women are this way. But for most Filipino ladies, these are values they hold onto. This is also one of the reasons why most Filipinas are monogamous.

Once she becomes your girl, she’ll show you that you’re the only man in her life. This may come with a con in the form of possessiveness and jealousy. Your Filipina date may have the tendency to be overprotective about you because she wants you all for herself the same way that she wants to be the only for you. And if anything else, her possessiveness is one of many signs a Filipina likes you.


This level of humility varies from one woman to the other. While these modern ladies are getting more westernized, they retain conservative values most common among Asian women. They may not be too touchy (not even to hold your hand), but once you find one that commits to you, what she lacks in affection she makes up for in loyalty.

These women are brought up with the value of delikadesa, which means remaining dignified to avoid ruining one’s reputation. So humility compounded with a Filipina’s easy-going nature would make her an ideal lifelong companion.


As mentioned earlier, there may be single people in the Philippines who hit on Western men for money, but it’s very easy to spot them early on. If one of them asks for a large sum for an emergency but won’t divulge what that is, better be safe and find out if her reason is legitimate or not. And if you notice that she keeps on insisting for money even after you said no, she’s most likely deceiving you.

But for the most part, a decent, well-educated, and career-driven Filipina—whether dating Filipino men or from the far West—would be in a relationship for love and not for money. You know that you’re dating a decent woman when she doesn’t demand you a penny, except for when she expects you to pay for the dinner.

She’s already been supporting herself and her family for how long, so you coming to her life is about completing her dream of being in a relationship. Her frugality comes from the fact that she also contributes to her family’s finances.


One reason why Filipinos value education so seriously is because they think the career they can get out of a good education could help lift their families out of poverty. Filipino people, in general, value education so much that it’s what most parents think of as their prime legacy.

While they can apply for scholarships in colleges, such as in the University of the Philippines, part of the reason they are dedicated to their studies is because they don’t want to squander the money and efforts their parents made just to provide them quality education.

This is just one way she shows her dedication to her family. And that love and affection is apparent as soon as you step inside her family’s home and can even be felt by members of her extended family (if she has any).

If what you’re looking for is a family-oriented woman, then Filipinas are your best bet. Not only that, their families are pretty welcoming too. When you’re invited to her home, you’ll be surprised by the massive spread on the table that is enough to feed a village for a week. Not only will you be charmed by how loving they are to each other, they might just warm your heart with their hospitality, too.


Dating her is like having a fun-loving girlfriend who can play along with you in a video game but will take care of you like a mom after the game. She will take care of you so well that you wouldn’t consider anyone else. That’s because Filipina women are known to be so caring that they can make you feel like a king.

If you’re looking for a serious relationship, you might consider dating Filipino women. She can make you rethink your standards that you’ll never want to date any other women again.