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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 646
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 658
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 651
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 645
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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 642
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 650

Why Foreign Men Want to Marry Filipino Women

 A photo of a long-haired Filipino girl in a yellow lace dress Filipino women have a lot of positive traits that attract foreign men. | Photo by JC Romero on Pexels

There is a growing trend of foreigners dating beautiful Filipino women.

More and more men from outside the Philippines are discovering the charms of these ladies from the Pearl of the Orient. But you might wonder and ask yourself, “What makes them so special?”

What is it about these ladies, thousands of miles across the world from wherever their potential husbands might be, that makes these men decide to be with them for life?

The following are the often-cited reasons why foreign men often begin long distance relationships with Filipinas and eventually marry them:

Unique Filipina Beauty

Filipinas are different from their Asian counterparts in the sense that they don’t have a distinct appearance.

While most Korean and Japanese women have an East Asian appearance and many Indonesian and Malaysian women have traditional Malay features, Filipino ladies are more versatile, so to speak, when it comes to physical looks.

For example, if you lined up ten Filipinas in a row, you’d note that some have dark or golden brown skin, while others have white complexions. Some people have round or flat noses, while others have tall, pointed ones. Some of them look Caucasian, while others have an East Asian appearance.

What this means is that when dating Filipinas, you’ll be introduced to a diverse range of attractive women. Whatever your preferences might be, there’s bound to be a Filipina who is sure to catch your attention.

Fun and Positive Personalities

Filipinos are notable for their upbeat and confident demeanor. This isn’t a broad generalization since these characteristics are shown in how they communicate with one another and with people of other races.

Their ability to come back from any natural catastrophe or personal tragedy often demonstrates their ability to keep going forward cheerfully in the face of any obstacles. They enjoy having a good time and making jokes, and they are the best people to hang out with at a party.

A photo of a smiling woman sitting on a couch A Filipino woman is a fun-loving and cheerful companion, but she is also sensible and reliable. | Photo by James Reyes on Pexels

Many of these characteristics can be found in Filipinas, but that’s not all.

They have a gracefulness and gentleness that you don’t really see in other women nowadays. They’re awesome and fun to be around, but they’re also conventional in some ways.

If you’re a foreign man with a conservative mindset and you’re looking for a long-term partner, marrying a Filipino lady is your best option.


One significant trait they have is a tendency to prioritize family over everything else. Simply put, they would go to any lengths to ensure the well-being of their family, including working overseas and being away from them for a long time just so they could lead better lives.

This willingness to sacrifice for their families is something that other people wrongly use against them, especially when they claim that Filipinas only marry foreigners for money.

The allegation is not only a broad generalization, but it also fails to portray the situation accurately. For the most part, they are concerned about the well-being of their families, but it is also important to them that they meet a partner who is caring and supportive.

Strong Maternal Instincts

Many Filipino mothers make it a point to teach their daughters how to manage a household at an early age. Not only are they trained to do housework, but they are also obligated to take care of their younger sisters and brothers.

In a way, they are being prepared to become future mothers right from the time they learned how to count and read. However, it would be unfair to attribute their success solely to their upbringing, as it is also in their nature to be loving and thoughtful people.

All these characteristics make them perfect candidates for the roles of a wife and mother. Taking care of a family is not just something they are inherently good at; it is also something they see as a duty, one which they eagerly accept.

A photo of a smiling woman in a red shirt wearing a gray fur beanie Count yourself one of the lucky ones if you fall in love with a Filipina. | Photo by Carms Onoya on Pexels

Wise in Money Matters

Many Filipinas have had economically challenging childhoods, and as a consequence, they have learned to manage money matters and create a household budget while still practically children themselves.

For many Filipinas, this is no big deal as it is just one of the many lessons their mothers may have taught them. When they were young girls, they already knew how to spot bargains and save money. By the time they’re full-grown women, they become experts at negotiating better prices when they go shopping.

But bear in mind that just because they understand the importance of money doesn’t mean they’re materialistic. In reality, you’ll be shocked to learn that they’re less concerned with costly material gifts.

Money is merely a tool for them, and financial security is important simply because it allows them to better care for their families now and in the future.

Strong and Dependable Partners

One thing to keep in mind about Filipinas: you should not mistake their gentle and submissive personalities as a sign of weakness.

There are many prominent female leaders in the Philippines, and this has come about not by mere happenstance. Filipinas possess great resolve and strength of character that enable them to take on leadership roles in their communities.

The source of this strength is their deep love for their friends and families. They will endure anything and make every sacrifice if it will help their loved ones in the long run.

They’re also trustworthy in that you can count on them to do the right thing when it comes to looking after their families. They are caring and dependable mothers as well as faithful and responsible wives.

The Search for a Filipina Bride

The attributes mentioned above are just a few that make Filipino women ideal wives.

With a Filipino woman, you’ll have a traditional and loving spouse. Furthermore, you’ll have a solid and dependable partner who’s ready to face whatever challenges might come your way as a couple.

If you ever have the opportunity to meet, fall in love, and even marry a Filipina, treat her with respect and love. She will repay that love a hundred times more.