Dating Etiquette in the Philippines

In general, Filipinos are renowned all over the world for being friendly, family oriented, loving, and happy people. With a constant smile on their faces, it is no wonder why many foreign men are looking forward to date Filipino women.
Filipino women, also known as Filipinas, are petite and have an exotic beauty that exudes both elegance and simplicity. The Philippines has such a rich history and because of this, Filipinos have become mixed with multiple races such as Spanish, American, Malay, Indo, Japanese, and so forth. This makes Filipino women unique. Their beauty is a mix of multiple racial features and the result is simply breathtaking.
In addition to their stunning beauty, the Filipino traits they possess are simply the perfect match for you if you are looking to start a family of your own as Filipino women are loving partners. They always strive to make their life partner happy and contented. They also have a strong sense of family ties that they willingly take care of family members even after having a family of their own. These are only some Filipino women characteristics that make them the perfect date.
Dating Etiquette in the Philippines
Dating is common in the Philippines that even younger teens have already experienced it. As with other countries, dating in the Philippines is a stage where partners get to know each other better and learn the beauty of being together.
There are, of course, dos and don’ts of dating in the Philippines. This dating etiquette has been practiced by Filipinos for years and has become part of Filipino culture. Here are some examples:
- If at all possible, always make sure to ask permission from the girl’s parents if you are heading out. Because Filipinos are naturally family-centered, most Filipino parents will want to know where and when their daughter is going for them to make sure that they will be safe.
- Pick her up from her house. Though some couples meet at the venue, it is a sign of being a gentleman to pick a Filipino woman up from her house and leave together for the date.
- Open doors for her. There is no limit to how much of a gentleman you should be during a date. Make her feel important and comfortable as possible. This will break barriers and make her open up to you even more.
- If you are planning to go out to eat, always offer to pay for the food. Though some Filipino women may want to share the bill, it is customary for the man to pay for the date, especially if he initiated it. It is not that Filipino women want you to spend for her, rather, it is the gesture of you wanting to take care of her that makes this act special for her.
- While on your date, focus on her. Set your phone to silent mode or turn it off altogether. Instead of always looking away, face her and appreciate her beauty. It’s always the little things that keep her interested.
- After the date, always offer to take her home. Walk her to her door if possible. Giving her a sense of security when you are together will make her feel comfortable and safe when she is with you. She will definitely appreciate the fact that you want to make sure she gets home safe after the date.
- Once both of you have parted ways, remind her of how you enjoyed your time together and how great your time was with her by calling or texting her. Filipino women appreciate this simple gesture and will surely lead to a second date.
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Dating Deal Breakers for Filipino Women
After learning about dating etiquette in the Philippines, it is also important to remember that there are deal breakers that will make her not want a second date. Filipino women, after all, are just like any other woman and have their own Filipino dating culture. Here are some possible deal breakers that you should try to avoid:
- Not showing up for a date
- Being aggressive
- Not being honest
While you may have a valid reason to skip out on a date, it is safe to say that the girl you stood out with will more than likely not want to go out on another date with you. Trust is a very important part of dating in the Philippines and if you somehow break your promise for a date even after she has prepared for the event, know that there is a big chance that she will decline another date with you.
Don’t mix assertiveness with aggressiveness. Filipino women can’t tolerate men who are obnoxious and off-putting. Be yourself, but be yourself in a good way. Set a friendly tone and make her feel safe.
Honestly is the best policy, and rightly so for Filipino women. If you have skeletons in your closet, don’t be afraid to share them. Keeping secrets is something that is unacceptable for most Filipino women.
Tips for Dating Single Filipino Women
As westernized the country has become, women in the Philippines still bear the traits and culture that have been passed down from generations. It is not uncommon for you to find more and more Filipino women dating foreign men, but it is also important to note that Filipino women do have unique traits and dating culture.
Here are tips you can follow before you start dating a Filipino woman:
- Be friendly and approachable. Filipino women are petite and have a small frame and may get intimidated by bigger foreign men. Always be friendly and don’t be afraid to show your softer side. Make sure that she can approach you without having to worry about being an annoyance to you.
- Never forget to make her feel special. Make her feel beautiful and wanted by always giving her attention. Flatter her if possible, and always remember to keep a positive vibe.
- Talk to her. Filipino women are well known to be good English speakers. Though not as fluent as you might be, they certainly know and understand English well enough to be able to communicate with you. Hand gestures might be a good idea, but it’s always better to communicate through speech.
- Flaunt her. Yes, you heard that right. Filipino women want their men to be proud of being with them. If you are proud to be seen with her despite your obvious physical differences, she will most definitely adore you for that and will gladly go with you another time.
- Respect her. This is probably the most important part of a date for a Filipino woman. Nothing impresses her more than the simplest form of respect. You can never go wrong with this.
Once you master the art of dating a Filipino woman, don’t be afraid to go out on several dates with her. Get to know her better and create a connection with her. Who knows, she might just be the woman you’ve waited forever for.