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Starting Conversations with Filipinas | Dating in the Philippines

A close-up photo of two hands forming a heart, with a man and woman in the distance having a conversation Knowing how to start a conversation can help you land a date with beautiful Filipinas. | Photo by cristina ponciano on Unsplash

Mobile dating apps exist for a good number of reasons. They can show a lovelorn man a whole new world of romantic possibilities, including being able to date beautiful Filipinas. These apps can do so much for someone who is looking for love, but they also have certain limitations.

It's a given that dating apps offer a new kind of experience when it comes to love. Sure, online dating has been around for a while, but the stigma surrounding it was only recently dismissed by those who have gotten into it, so not a lot of people are as hopeful about how it works.

But now that it’s becoming more prevalent, it’s also becoming more acceptable for anyone in society to say that they met their partner on a dating app.

There are plenty of men who want to date women from all over the world. Not so long ago, their options for finding a bride overseas were pretty limited, but numerous free dating apps managed to change the game for many of these men.

With that, it's now possible, and not to mention convenient, for women and men to find love at the comfort of their home. People from all over the world find themselves connected to potential partners from foreign countries, some of whom may even be in the same time zone as them.

But while these apps can do a lot for those who are seeking love, there are some things that even the best dating apps for relationships can’t do. They can put two people in a position to meet one another, but it can’t create a connection of the romantic variety.

Creating a romantic connection is going to be up to the two people involved. They’re going to have to talk to one another. Then again, not everyone is good at starting conversations.

When it comes to initiating a conversation, the person who wants something to happen is going to have to make the approach for an interaction to occur. Again, not everyone is good at this. Sure, we can converse pretty well once the ball gets rolling, but sometimes getting the ball rolling is the problem.

Conversations need to happen for you to get someone to notice you. The alternative is to do nothing, and as a result, you will be letting a potential match slip through your fingers.

  1. A Simple Hello
  2. One of the most effective and time-tested ways to initiate a conversation with someone is to simply say hello. It may not be the slickest or most glamorous way to get started with Filipinas, but people have been using this method for years, and it works out most of the time.

    The good thing about dating sites these days is that they generally have some sort of private messaging feature that allows users to send other users direct messages, so if you decide to simply say hello, you can do so without the possibility of a face-to-face rejection.

  3. Using Filipino Phrases
  4. What you need to keep in mind before you start dating Filipina women is that English is not their first language.

    However, with the Philippines being a former American territory and a massive consumer of Western media, English is now widely spoken throughout the country. Be that as it may, it can still be beneficial for you to put in a few Filipino phrases when you start talking to a Filipina.

    A Filipina will greatly appreciate it if your opening salvo has a few phrases in her native language because it shows a willingness not just to learn about her, but her culture as well, and culture is generally pretty important to a lot of people.

  5. A Joke
  6. Humor is something that many people find desirable in a partner. So opening an interaction with a joke can be very beneficial for someone who is trying to pursue a romantic relationship.

    Now, the thing about humor is that while it is desirable, it is also subjective. What is funny is going to vary from person to person. A zinger that lands well with your friends may not be taken all that well by a woman who comes from a very different cultural background.

    A great way to learn about what is considered funny and hilarious in the Philippines is to go through some successful local comedians and comedy shows on Youtube. Spend time getting to know some Filipinos as well, and soon enough you'll start to become more familiar with the things they enjoy, as well as the things that tickle their funny bones.

    Being funny is not the single most essential element when it comes to finding love, but it can be pretty helpful. People love being in a good mood all the time, and what better way to do so than having a good sense of humor, or being with someone who does?

  7. Open Ended Questions
  8. Questions are great because it can let a person talk without having to worry about what to say. You're basically coming up with a topic, and if it's something that they relate to or are passionate about, it's all the more reason for them to feel good about what they're saying. In other words, it gives them the opportunity to talk about themselves.

    Getting them to talk about themselves can be an effective way of getting to know them as well, which will be useful in forging a romantic connection. Plus, questions generally get reciprocated not just with answers, but also with questions.

    If questions are thrown back at you, you are generally expected to answer them, and with that, your conversation flows more naturally.

  9. Just Ask her Out On A Date
  10. While this may not be advisable to start a conversation, there is nothing particularly wrong with it. It's a bold strategy, possibly the boldest of strategies, and it just might even work. What makes a Filipino woman special is that when you approach her the right way, she will not be a snob. Instead, you will be met with a warm and friendly smile. In turn, asking her out would be a breeze.

    As such, it’s best to introduce yourself, possibly with a simple hello, and then build up a rapport before you go ahead and ask her out. Of course, establishing a rapport is a lot easier said than done.

    No one ever said that it would be easy to find love. In fact, no one ever said that it would be easy to make a friend or to introduce yourself to a new person, especially one you're romantically attracted to. Of course, the difficulty can be well worth it when it comes to being with beautiful Filipinas.