Dating Filipinas | Should Foreign Men Send MONEY?

Filipinas dating foreign men have been subject to negative stereotypes, especially about asking for money from their boyfriends or husbands when in a WMAF (Western Male Asian Female) relationship. Do Filipino women need money from foreign men? Should foreigners send money to the Philippines if they're dating Pinays?

Filipinas who are single mothers don’t have easy lives. A Pinay must put her children’s needs as the priority and it influences dating preferences, especially when pursuing a WMAF relationship. Pinays who are single mothers that choose to explore international dating opportunities know what type of relationship best suits their preferences and their children. Realistic expectations and full acceptance of future responsibilities must be discussed when entering any relationship, be it WMAF or domestic dating.

Foreign men who dream of romantic connections with Filipinas often hear stories about being asked for money to support Filipino families, which can sometimes be deceptive ways of scamming men. Undeniably, dating scams can happen to anyone wherever your partner may be from. Many Filipino women would only ask for assistance in supporting their families if they are truly considering the man to be their life partner, but also this leaves room for dishonest Pinays to exploit the kindness of foreigners as well. Should you send your Filipina woman money then?

As shared by Ronna, matchmaking agencies don't encourage sending money, especially if foreigners haven't met the prospective Filipina woman in person. While the vetting process goes on, your matchmakers will share limited personal information however this may not guaranty a match. You have to spend time with someone to get a better understanding of one’s character, goals and personality.

Only then if both the couple establish a strong romantic relationship, sending money can become a mutual agreement to further nurture the relationship together.